OBJECTIVE OF SEDMA: Be the first team to earn 10 game points
NUMBER OF CARDS: 32 card deck
RANK OF CARDS: (low) 7’s – Aces (high)
TYPE OF GAME: Trick taking
Sedma is a trick taking game that finds its place of origin within the Czech Republic. This Eastern European game spread in popularity in the 1960’s, and is very different when compared to Wester European trick taking games.
In this game, Aces and 10’s are the only cards worth points. The only way to win a trick is to match the rank of the card that was led or play a 7. There are no trumps, and players draw to replenish their hand after each trick.
Sedma is traditionally played with a 32 card German suited deck, but it is simple enough to adapt to a 32 card French deck. Simply remove the 2’s through the 6’s from it.
If teams can’t be decided, each player should take a card from the deck. The two lowest cards are paired, and the two highest cards are paired. Partners sit across from each other. The player with the very lowest card must deal first. From this point on, the losing team deals. If the current dealer’s team wins, deal passes to the left. If the current dealer’s team loses, deal passes to the losing partner.
The dealer doles out four cards to each player two at a time. The rest of the cards are placed face down on the table as the draw pile.
In Sedma, a trick is won by the last player to play a card that matches the rank of the card that was led, or the player who last played a seven. If neither of these two things occur, the player who led the trick wins it.
To begin, the player on the dealer’s left leads the first trick by choosing any card they wish and playing it to the table face up. Going left around the table in order, each player may play any one card they wish to the trick.
Once everyone has played a card, the player who led the trick has two options. They can end the trick with the last player to lay a matching card or a seven taking it. Their second option is to choose to continue the trick by laying a card that matches the rank of their original lead or a seven. In this case, the trick continues another round, and the rules for winning the trick stay the same. It is possible for a trick to continue until all the cards in hand are played.
When the trick ends, the winner collects the cards. Each player takes turns drawing one card at a time from the draw pile in order to replenish their hand to four cards. The player that won the trick leads next. Play continues until the draw pile is gone, and all of the cards are played.
Aces and 10’s are worth ten card points each. Ten card points are earned for taking the last trick. Once card points are tallied up, game points can be recorded. keo nhacai
Capturing the most amount of card points = 1 game point
Capturing all 90 card points, but not all the tricks = 2 game points
Capturing all of the tricks = 3 game points
The first team to earn 10 game points wins.
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